Who We Serve

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We serve the needs of people in zip codes 45217, 45219, and 45220 as well as any military veterans in Hamilton County. We do this by providing both non-perishable and perishable food, as well as personal care and cleaning items, to carry them through difficult times and maintain their dignity.

St. George Food Pantry atiende las necesidades de las personas en los códigos postales 45217, 45219 y 45220, así como a cualquier veterano militar en el condado de Hamilton.

There are many circumstances that create hardships for people and make it difficult to keep food on the table.

  • Both the recently unemployed as well as the long term unemployed who have been experiencing difficulties well before it made the headlines
  • The under–employed who struggle to make ends meet, despite their ability and willingness to work.
  • Those dealing with physical and/or mental challenges that restrict their ability to work and create medical and housing nightmares for these vulnerable people.
  • The working poor who make insufficient income to provide the basics of life.
  • Families, led by single heads of household or father & mother, who are struggling to keep sufficient food on the table for their children.
  • Senior citizens who are having difficulty surviving on social security alone

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Esta institución es un proveedor de que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.