Fall 2016 Director’s Letter

l2 Food Pantry_2001_320200One of the more recent comments I heard about the St. George Food Pantry (SGFP) was, “so many people work together to make things happen.”

Coming together is the hallmark of the SGFP.  Let me give you some examples: Maddie, painting the entire client area with her family and friends for her senior high school capstone project. Jerri, who designs and makes greeting cards, will send Christmas cards to our donors. Other Food Pantry Directors sharing stories and their ideas to support one another. UC students and local restaurant owners dropping off food after campus events. Men and women who come every Wednesday morning to sort donated food and stock shelves. Members of Day Programs for adults with mental challenges come to SGFP and bag a variety of items including donuts and diapers.

It’s a lot of people from many different backgrounds working together to “make a difference” – and they do!

— Janet Cavanaugh

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